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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Ruppersberger: I rise in support of the Pompeo Amendment. This amendment strongly reaffirms that in America privacy and security must co-exist together. This amendment states that in no uncertain terms that the government cannot use section 702 of the FISA to intentionally target an American for surveillance. This important amendment also reaffirms that the
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Ruppersberger: phone conversations cannot be collected through section 215 of the Patriot Act. It makes the intensions of Congress very clear. I believe the Pompeio amendment makes a powerful statement that NSA cannot target Americans for the collection or listen to their phone calls. And I urge my colleagues to vote yes. However, I do understand the concerns of the American people and of Congress when it comes to these programs. On the House Intelligence Committee, we are reviewing and evaluating potential ways to change the FISA act that will provide the intelligence community with the tools it needs to keep
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KGO 08/04/2013
Raddatz: Are efforts being thwarted in trying to get information for members of Congress? Ruppersberger: We have rules as far as the committee on what you can have and what you cannot have, however, based on that statement I just made is that since this incident occurred with Snowden, we've had three different hearings for members of our Democratic caucus and the Republican caucus where general Alexander has come with his deputy Chris English to ask any questions that people have as it relates to this information.
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KGO 08/04/2013
Ruppersberger continued: And we will continue to do that because what we're trying to do now is to get the American public to know more about what's going on, NSA is following the law and we have checks and balances. We have the courts, we have both the Senate and House intelligence committee, we have Justice Department. We have checks and balances here to make sure that NSA does not violate the law in what they're doing and, you know, since these two programs have come into effect, especially the metadata there's not been one incident of any member of the NSA breaking any law whatsoever.
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KGO 08/04/2013
Ruppersberger continued 3: But we can do better. I have to educate my caucus more, the democratic caucus and we're trying to declassify as much as we can. We -- Raddatz: representative king, i want a very quick response from you, if you will. Thank you, representative ruppersberger. Ruppersberger: okay, fine. Radatz: just a quick response, please. King: over the last several weeks general Alexander, all these top people have come in and subjected themselves to questioning from any member of Congress at all including those most critical. And I’ve found those who are most critical publicly
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KPIX 08/11/2013
Schieffer: country is under imminent attack, can you actually sit there and have a long argument about the pluses and minuses of this, or do you have to leave that to later? Ruppersberger: I agree with what you just said. I think it would be very impractical to have it done. Maybe on some general policy issue where the court is going to make a decision, perhaps you could bring in an advocate. But, no, on day-to-day, life-and-death decision I believe absolutely not. Also i think we should keep in mind, somehow people
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KPIX 08/11/2013
Ruppersberger continued: say this is secret and goes against all our traditions. Grand jury proceedings are secret. There is no adversary lawyer allowed into a grand jury room and also any other-- whether drug cases, organized crime cases, child pornography cases, the government obtains warrants from judges without advocates being there for the other side. This is a legitimate role of government, and when we're talking about life and death and having lived in
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
KPIX 08/11/2013
Schieffer: did you at this point feel the agency has invaded anyone's privacy? Ruppersberger: absolutely not. Schieffer: you do not. Ruppersberger: there are checks and balances that we have. We have Congressional oversight which we need to do and continue to do. We have the court oversight. We have those checks and balances in our country. Better privacy rights than anyone. And during the whole time that this program has been in effect there has not-- there have been some mistakes but not one intentional violation. So this speaks for itself but we have to do more.
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2013
When you get these allegations, like the metadata program, that we’re listening to somebody without a court order, that is not the case. But we have to deal with the perception. Some of the things we are doing, I have said it before, we are trying to make sure we can declassify more information. So we can get people more information so that they know we are always following the law but we are also out there to protect the American people.
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2013
The head of al Qaeda has just said he wants al Qaeda to start targeting more in the United States and our allies. Believe me, with what happened with these leaks, we are more all vulnerable because of that. We are going to lose lives because of these leaks and where we're going. We have a lot to do. We ask you all to be there with us. Let’s get the facts out. We have a lot more to do to also to communicate with the American public. And I hope we can do more in the declassification that will not affect sources and methods.
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